WOD: Tuesday 210720
Been missing you at the 5am big guy. Hope the knee is feeling better these days.
Whiteboard Brief
- Strength: Today we'll be working to a 1RM Power Clean in 6-8 sets, so have a plan in place for your weight jumps. Focus on flashing your elbows all the way through, actually receiving the weight of the bar on the shoulders, and continue pulling all the way until the bar contacts the shoulder. If it crashes on top of you then you relaxed too early. Remember that "Power" is anything above parallel, so start dropping early so you don't end up Starfishing.
- Metcon: Classic BP Benchmark "Abs of Steel". Drop before you need to on the T2B so you don't burn yourself out early, wasting time staring at the bar, and keep your shoulders nice and active to keep the joint tight in the socket. Pick a weight that you can manage in 2-3 sets on the Lunges.
Power Clean
1RM in 6-8 sets. Rest 2:00
- Goal: 5# PR
- Last tested on 4/5/21
- L1: Hang Muscle Clean 4 x 6 or 4 x 8 + 6 KB Deadlift + Goblet Squat. Two warm-up sets
T2B Drills
"Abs of Steel"
For time:
Buy in:
50 T2B
50 Front Rack Walking Lunges (115/75)
- Goal: 2-4 sets on both movements.
*Every time you drop the bar complete 10 Bar Facing Burpees
** Last performed 11/1/20
L3: (95/65)
L2: (Straight Leg Raises or Knee Lifts) (75/55)
L1: (Weighted V-ups) (Light Walking DB Lunges) (Regular Burpees)
TIME CAP = 12:00
Banded Glute Bridge
3 x 12-15. Rest 60s.