WOD: Monday 210920

Welcome to the gym Kelsey!

Welcome to the gym Kelsey!

Coaching Notes:

Today, the focus is on combining some high skill movements with short repetitions that allow for consistency and repeatability. We are starting off the day with technique for the snatch with the snatch balance and overhead squat. By combining these pieces together we should get a good overall effect on the shoulders as well as developing and fine tuning technique on the snatch. This will have the effect of getting in a fun little conditioning piece, getting athletes to understand positions better in order to primer things for next week.

Scaling Mods:

Today, our scales are there to allow for athletes to still get some exposure to these movements while at the same time hitting the stimulus. Lets go to jumping pull-ups if athletes can still maintain control on the descent of the pull-up. For the Snatches, we could go to KBS today to work on hip extension and speed through the middle if shoulder issues persist when going overhead with a barbell. The bike should remain relatively consistent across today as the calories are short and will limit total volume on the snatch and pull-ups for the day.

Strength: Snatch Balance + Pause Overhead Squat (3sec)

8:00 EMOM

1+1 @ 60-65%

Metcon: Bit by a Dead Bee

12:00 EMOM

3 Bar Muscle-Ups

5 Squat Snatch 135/95#, 61/43kg

9/7 Cal Bike


3 Sets, as superset

10/10 Single Arm Ring Rows w/2sec Pause at chest

*full retraction of shoulder blade

:15-:25sec Ring Support Hold

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