WOD: Tuesday 210921
Lookin’ jacked as usual Casey.
Coaching Notes:
We are continuing on the theme for this deload week with a little technique focus to start things off with the push jerk + split jerk in the 60-65% range. This will allow us to work on positions and fine tune points that keep coming up when we punch into the split.
Our Conditioning piece today is meant to hit a little intensity while keeping the volume low. We like to keep athletes breathing and moving on a deload week, but the overall focus to the week is reducing total volume and loading on the body.
Scaling Mods:
Let's focus on scaling mods that allow athletes to feel healthy this week. For the push jerk + split jerk we can sub out DB strict press here or a traditional strict press to work on strength rather than speed and power. For the conditioning piece the idea is the same and we can do a push press or db push press rather than the hang clean and jerk, sub sit-ups, v-ups or hanging knee raises for anyone with shoulder issues, and we can sub box jump overs for alternating step-ups.
Strength: Push Jerk + Split Jerk (3sec pause in split)
8:00 EMOM
1+1 @ 60-65%
Metcon: Caballo Sin Nombre
Every 3:00, 5 Sets
6/6 SA Hang DB Clean + Jerk 50/35#, 22.5/16kg
8 Toe to Bar
12 Box Jump Overs 24/20''
3 Sets, as circuit
10 Hollow Rocks
:20sec Hollow Hold
20 Russian Twists
10 Arch Rocks
:20sec Arch Hold