WOD: Monday 230306

Let’s kick off March right by filling up that PR board with some Snatch PRs!

• Daily Focus

Today, we are starting off the week with a bang and tackling a 1RM snatch. We are looking to hit a single every 2:30 for 6-8 sets. The goal here with having this be a little more open ended is that if athletes get to a heavy early on they will just maintain singles for the 6 reps. If they hit a clean lift at around 100% within 6 reps, then we can give them another attempt or two to go heavier. We will then tackle a challenging triplet centered around midline conditioning and muscular stamina. This should be a high effort workout that will get grippy towards the end.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

Burpees-to-Target: We are planning on using a bar on the rig today as the target. Keep your hands in the same spot so that you can jump directly back to your hands and then jump right back up to the bar.

-Scale: Sub out to traditional burpees, or no push-up burpees, or even no push-up + no jump burpees for those with issues on the excessive flexion extension the burpee creates.

Dual Dumbbell Step Overs: Work on staying close to the box while bracing the midline. This is a good time to practice form and staying smooth on the box step-overs.

-Scale: Sub to weighted lunges or box step overs.

Toes-to-bars: Similar to the rings here, where we are looking for that tight kip glide while keeping the lats active through the swing.

-Scale: Let's scale to alternating toes-to-bars, then knees-to-elbows, then strict knee raises, and finally move to v-ups or sit-ups if we need an option that is not on the rig.


Every 2:30 for 20 mins: Snatch

1 Snatch, Starting at 75% of 1RM and increasing load each set. Build up to a 1RM for the day

metcon: "The Collector"

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:

14 Burpees-to-Target

8 Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 50/35 lbs, 24/20 in

14 Toes-to-bars

Goal: 4+ rounds


For quality:

50 Standing Y-T-Ws, pick load

50 L/50 R Single Leg Glute Bridges

50 Lu Raises, pick load

WOD Postalex burgyWOD