WOD: Monday 230619

Snatches? All strength day? It’s like Christmas day for fitness.

• Daily Focus

The focus today is on full body strength with and emphasis on lower body, hip dominant movements. We will be starting things off with some Snatch waves that should allow for good consistency while building towards singles at 90% 1RM. The strength EMOM provides enough time between sets of back squats to hit a heavy set of 6 done as 3-2-1. Starting at 75% 1RM and increasing towards 85% 1RM. This is the priority today, but combining with dual kettlebell clean and jerks will create a little more of a strength metcon style feel to this superset.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Dual Kettlebell Clean & Jerks: Cycle the kettlebells between the legs by popping through the hips to the shoulder and then extending at the hip and punching kettlebells overhead. To get the kettlebells to the shoulder work to rotate the kettlebells to land smoothly onto the shoulder. We should land in a quarter squat to allow us to move directly into the punch overhead with the kettlebells for the jerk/press. The kettlebells should finish over the midline of the body with the biceps by the ear and the elbow locked out. The biggest scale for this one would just be to scale the load, or scale to a single arm kettlebell hang clean and jerk. Scale to dual dumbbell clean and jerk for those that look uncomfortable with the kettlebells as we want to see smooth and fast movement here.


Complete as- Every 1 mins for 5 mins do:

2 Snatches, 70-75% 1RM

Every 1 mins for 4 mins do:

2 Snatches, 75-80% 1RM

Every 1 mins for 3 mins do:

1 Snatch, 85+% 1RM

strength superset:

Every 2 mins for 12 mins, alternating between:

1x [ 3 Back Squats + 2 Back Squats + 1 Back Squat ]

rest 20 secs between Back Squat sets

3.2.1 1x [ 5 Kettlebell Clean & Jerks + 5 Kettlebell Clean & Jerks ]

rest 30 secs between KB Clean and Jerk sets


4 rounds for quality of:

6 L/6 R Front Rack Reverse Lunges, pick load

10 Ring Hamstring Curls

15 Weighted GHD Hip Extensions, pick load

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