WOD: Tuesday 230620
Tongues out increases Back Squat strength by 10%.
• Daily Focus
Today, is all about chasing that pump. We will be tackling a little mix on the classic CrossFit workout Lynne. The goal here is to build into the kipping pull-up a bit more and develop some volume with good form and rest before each and every set. We are coupling that with dumbbell bench press in an effort to get a solid push/pull workout that should help develop capacity and structural support for the shoulder. This workout is a cap of 5 rounds of 2:30 on/2:30 off, so will take around 25 mins to complete. This means we have around 10-15 mins to go over the kipping pull-up and progressions before getting into the workout. This will allow a good amount of time for warm-up and cooldown. Please spend time today on the recovery/cool down portion as this will help the shoulders feel a lot better going into tomorrow's long EMOM. If you need to cut down the warm-up to 2 sets to allow more time on developing the kipping pull-up. Depending on the athletes you have in class of course.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
-Kipping Pull-ups: Full extension at the bottom of each rep and chin over bar at the top of each rep. Focus on being rhythmic and relaxed throughout. We are looking for strict banded pull-ups or toenail spot pull-ups today as the primary sub or even for level 1 to move to jumping pull-ups.
-Dumbbell Bench Press: Focus on engaging the posterior delt and mid back here as we stabilize the dumbbells on the eccentric portion to the chest. Stay tight and punch fast on the punch in order to really keep the dumbbells moving in a straight line of direction. Sub a floor press or just limit the range of motion for the athlete and have them just go to 90 degrees at the elbow. We can also sub a tall kneeling dual landmine press.
metcon: “Inspo-Lynne”
Every 2 mins for 12 mins, alternating between:
1x [ 3 Back Squats + 2 Back Squats + 1 Back Squat ]
rest 20 secs between Back Squat sets
3.2.1 1x [ 5 Kettlebell Clean & Jerks + 5 Kettlebell Clean & Jerks ]
rest 30 secs between KB Clean and Jerk sets
4 rounds of:
10 Tall Kneeling Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs
10 Dumbbell Pull Overs, pick load
10 Dumbbell Chest Flies, pick load
Max effort Ring Support Hold