WOD: Monday 230731

Wake up! The CrossFit Games start tomorrow!

• coaching notes

Today, we are working into a Front Rack Reverse Lunge 10RM. This is a great test to see any imbalances between our right and left strength. Some will notice that they feel a little more in one hip than the other and that is a good reason to tackle these more often to even these up. For those that tackle our accessory work consistently, we should be evened up and for those that don’t this is a good reason to tackle those accessories. We will then move into the CrossFit Benchmark Elizabeth, which should take only a little warming up as we are taking the Front Rack Lunge from the floor and we hit some inchworm push-ups + holds on the rings in the warm-up. This should allow enough time for us to tap our mobility protocol as a group to finish things off and loosen up the body after a little dose of intensity.

strength test:

On a 10:00 minute clock

Front Rack Reverse Lunges

Work up to a Heavy Set of 10/10

*From the Floor

metcon: "Elizabeth"

For Time:


Squat Cleans 135/95lb, (61/43kg)

Ring Dips

Time Domain: 5:00-8:00 minutes

Time Cap: 12:00 minutes


5 Sets, For Quality:

10 Lu Raises, Light Load

10 GHD Hip Extensions + 10 second Sorenson Hold

10 Behind the Neck Dumbbell Tricep Extension, heavy   

Rest as needed between sets

WOD Postalex burgyWOD