WOD: Tuesday 230801

Happy belated birthday SJ!

• Coaching Notes:

Today, we are starting things off with a fun little plyometric primer / test with the stick jump over. What we like about this, is that any athlete can utilize this, even at a very low height of 8’’ off the floor. We then will just gradually increase the height to a level the athlete feels good and confident with. If they miss, they just hit the PVC Pipe. We will then move into a barbell cycling / capacity test with “Not Gwen” This workout will challenge your want and ability to hang onto the bar for an extended period of time. This will pump out the grip and the quads. We want to remember to reinforce turnover and drive through the middle while dropping the hips on the descent into the next rep.

Plyometric Test / Primer:

10:00 EMOM

1 Seated Start Stick Jump for Height

metcon: "Not Gwen"


Power Snatch, For Load

Rest as needed between sets

Choice on load for the 15 then the 12 then the 9. Total load is the score of the day


3 Sets, For Quality

:15 second Extended GHD Supine Hold

:20/:20 second Single Arm Ring Plank

8 Cuban Press

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