WOD: Monday 240408

Everyone channel your inner Julia. Get mean and squat heavy today!

• Coaching Notes

We are starting test week off with our 1RM Back Squat. The idea today will be to start athletes off with an empty barbell and give them the full 20:00 minutes to build up weights appropriately in order to hit a new 1RM Back Squat. The body is funny and there are definitely days that don’t feel 100% for everyone across the board, so do not push athletes to attempt a 1RM if they have any niggles bothering them. Instead have them focus on tempo and form and just build into something that feels like a good controlled weight with great mechanics.

We will then transition into a burner of a leg stamina piece with a 400m run into 40 Back Squats into another 400m Run. The goal here is to choose a weight that you should be able to do unbroken and at most break into two sets. The pace we want to run at today should be closer to 1 Mile to 3k Pace than 5k pace. We only have two 400s, however we do have those pesky Back Squats so get ready for some Bambi legs as we hit that second run.

This will be a fun one to coach today! Be sure to celebrate those PR’s and your members' consistency and effort.

strength: back squat, 1rm

Take 20 mins to establish a 1RM.

metcon: "400 for 40"

For time:

Run, 400 m

40 Back Squats, 135/95 lbs

Run, 400 m

Time: 6:00-8:00 minutes

Time Cap: 10:00 minutes


For quality:

3x 20 Dumbbell Walking Lunges, pick load

Rest 1 min

6x 5 Glute Ham Raises

Rest 30 secs


3 rounds of:

Copenhagen Plank, L 18 secs/R 18 secs

Star Plank Hold, L 18 secs/R 18 secs

WOD Postalex burgyWOD