WOD: Monday 240422
Let’s keep filling up that PR board folks!
• Coaching Notes
Today is a good test day to go after a heavy for the day or a new 1RM Snatch. We can work with either a Power Snatch or Squat Snatch today as we make our way up to a heavy for the day. The goal here is to give athletes a good primer and then allot them 15 minutes to work their way up with singles until they reach a max. Have athletes work up quickly to 75-80%, then start to give themselves longer periods between lifts after 80%.
For newer athletes the focus will be to work from the Hang Snatch and catch in a power position, then ride into a squat, or stand up then move into an overhead squat. This is effective for teaching the mechanics of the Snatch and progressively building up confidence over time.
We will then move into a fun little max rep finisher style workout with a 2:00 minute AMRAP, followed by a 1:00 minute rest, performed 4 times. We like the style of working for the 4 rounds here, which is only 8:00 minutes of work because it will allow athletes to really push themselves on each interval knowing they only have 4 to do on the day. The goal as coaches today will be to dial in Dumbbell Snatch weight that allows for 12 unbroken reps, or 2 quick sets of 6 reps in order to go right into the step-overs which should be done unbroken as well. We are looking for about 30 seconds on the bike and for there to be some time pressure to get to the bike to get those calories in. Store today will be total reps which means the 24 rep buy-in + the calories.
weightlifting: snatch 1rm
Take 15:00 minutes to Find a 1RM Snatch
metcon: "Routine Maintenance"
4 rounds, 2 mins each, for max reps of:
12 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatches, 50/35 lbs
12 Single Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 50/35 lbs, 24/20 in
Max reps in remaining time Bike Calories
Rest 1 min
4 rounds for max hold of:
12 Goblet Cyclist Squats, pick load
20 Band Ys max hold
Dumbbell Head Holds, 25/15 lbs