WOD: Saturday 240420
Have a great weekend folks!
• Coaching Notes
We are getting into a fun Murph Prep / Hero style workout today with the workout “High Five” which is based off of the workout “Luce”. We will be accumulating 5k of total run volume (both partners) while also getting in 50 Ring Muscle-Ups and 500 Air Squats (combined). This is meant to be a “challenge day,” which means that its a little bit of a workout that may scare some athletes coming in, but at the same time get them very excited to try something that is outside the norm and a little more challenging than usual. Depending on your gym demographic you could use the Level 2 modification as the main modification and then have the Level 3 option be the challenge option for the top of the top in your gym. Either way, today will be a very fun and beautifully challenging workout.
Metcon: "High Five"
For time:
50 Ring Muscle-ups
Partner Run, 5 km
500 Air Squats
Time Domain: 30:00-40:00
Time Cap: 45 minutes
5 rounds for quality of:
Farmer Carry, pick load, 100 ft
Sandbag Bear Hug Carry, pick load, 100 ft
Hand-Over-Hand Sled Pull, pick load, 100 ft