WOD: Monday 240923

Welcome to deload week!

• Coaching Notes

Coaches, today we have a deload week workout that aims to reduce overall volume and loading. However, we're introducing a more challenging component today despite the volume being manageable. Expect high intensity and a demanding density throughout the session.

Our focus will be on determining the best types of sets for the Thrusters after the Box Jumps and Echo Bike, as we will push the athletes' leg stamina to its limits. The entire workout is designed to fit within a maximum of 21 minutes, structured with a 5-4-3 work interval followed by 2:00 minutes of rest. The additional 5:00 minute interval serves as an option for those who need extra time to finish.

metcon: "The Dragon Warrior"

For Time:

5:00/4:00/3:00 Work

15/12 Calorie Echo Bike

15 Box Jumps

18 Toe to Bar

-Max Thrusters

-2:00 rest b/t sets-

*Continue until 75 Thrusters are Complete

If not completed in the 3:00 round, the athletes will then move back around to the

5:00 round again and on down.

Barbell: 75/55lb, 34/25kg

Box: 24/20''


For Quality:

16:00 EMOM

Minute 1 - 14 Alternating Rotational Slam Ball

Minute 2 - 4/4 90 Degree Box Jump

Minute 3 - :30/:30 Side Plank

Minute 4- Rest

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