WOD: Tuesday 240924

I don’t think Carrie is too fond of rowing.

• Coaching Notes

Today, we will be holding our #TeamPRVNTuesday workout featuring the "Wuxi Finger Hold." The objective is to prepare athletes effectively for the workout through a focused primer and warm-up. Athletes will also work on determining their pacing and strategies.

Given the nature of the workout, we will implement a staggered start. We will divide the athletes into three groups for the rowing portion: one group will start at 0:00, another at 1:00, and the last at 2:00. This approach allows athletes to share the rower, dumbbells, and kettlebells for the farmer's carry.

metcon: "Wuxi Finger Hold"

6 rounds, each round for time, of:

14/11 Row Calories

14 Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35 lbs

Kettlebell Farmer Carry, 70/53 lbs, 100 ft

Go every 3 mins.


3 rounds for quality of:

10 L/10 R Crossover Box Step-ups, pick height

20 Banded Face Pulls

Goblet Wall Sit, pick load, 30 secs

WOD Postalex burgyWOD