WOD: Monday 241007
Not being bamboozled. Just a 500m row (test), how bad can it be?
• Coaching Notes
The focus today is on the posterior chain and really priming athletes to understand the contrasting strength and conditioning effect of the vertical jump with the Segmented Deadlift. We will then transition into a full on 500m Time Trial that will be sure to bring some energy to the gym as everyone can get involved here as we expect multiple heats for the gym on a day like to day with athletes going for broke. Focus on keeping a strong upright torso and driving through the feet as we finish with a strong pull to the sternum.
Every 2:30 for 12:30 do:
4 Segmented Deadlifts, 70% 1RM
3 Seated Vertical Jumps
Time trial:
As fast as possible:
500m row
Every 1 min for 16 mins, alternating between:
15 Weighted GHD Hip Extensions, pick load
6 L/6 R Half Kneeling Medicine Ball Throws, pick load
GHD Russian Twist, pick load, 40 secs
Rest 1 min