WOD: Monday 241014

Jumping right into the week!

• Coaching Notes

This workout is meant to be challenging for the skill level and the loading. We are tackling a set of Double Unders that is manageable enough to keep to 2 sets or less before tackling a challenging, but doable set of Ring Muscle-Ups before moving into the Squat Cleans today. The Squat Cleans are meant to be done at a percentage around that 65-75% mark with the top percentage allowed for athletes at the 75% mark. Otherwise we should be scaling this today. This will keep athletes progressing in the workout and allow them to focus on their movement, efficiency between movements and in the goal range of 6+ rounds. For modifying our Muscle-Ups today, a good gauge for how to modify it will be that if the athlete has 5 strict pull-ups + 5 strict ring dips, they should be working on a skill transition exercise like the Band Assisted Ring Muscle-Up or the Box Transition Exercise. For those that still lack the strength for Pull-Ups and Ring Dips lets focus on what will develop them here. We can go to a light band assisted Strict Pull-Up and Dip, then to a toenail spot strict pull-up and / or dip, and lastly move to a challenging Ring Row and Ring Push-Up or traditional Pull-Up Modification.

metcon: “Stick Around”

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 mins of:

70 Double Unders

5 Ring Muscle-ups

3 Squat Cleans, 205/145 lbs


4 rounds for quality of:

5 L/5 R Banded Skater Jumps

5 L/5 R Med Ball Rotational Throws, pick load

5 L/5 R Side Plank Bird Dogs

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