WOD: Saturday 241012

Have a great weekend!

• Coaching Notes

Today is a very fun 3 person team workout that creates a play on how a chipper workout is to be done. We will be starting off with Double Unders at the top of each 5:00 segment and then working in groups of 3 to complete the chipper of Bench Press, Toe to Bar, and Wall Balls. The focus here will be to split the work evenly and make sure that athletes have a modification for the Dubs that allows them to complete them in around that 2:00 mark. For the working sets on Bench we are looking for sets of 10+, for the Toe to Bar we want quick sets of 5 rotating between the 3 partners and finishing off the workout with sets of 15-20 at a time on the Wall Ball. Doing the math and looking at the time cap, we should be trying to complete this workout in that 5th or 6th round which means total volume of double unders will be in the range of 250-300 reps.

Ideal modifications for the day would be to move to single unders, lighter loads on dumbbell bench or move to floor press, kipping knees to chest or alternating toe to bar, and for the wall balls going lighter or even just subbing air squats could be good modifications to keep this workout moving and feeling good throughout.

metcon: "Axis & Allies"

For time:

100 Dumbbell Bench Press, 50/35 lbs

150 Toes-to-bars

200 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs

Every 5 mins (starting at 0:00) complete:

150 Double Unders


5 rounds for quality of:

Hanging Single Leg Raise, 30 secs

Banded Single Leg Hip Bridge, L 30 secs/R 30 secs

Rest 30 secs

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