WOD: Saturday 210206

Man performing airbike

Whiteboard Brief

– Metcon: Today’s conditioning piece is done with a partner, splitting all reps evenly. This should be a challenging pace that you are able to sustain for the duration of the whole workout. With the DB Snatch, just like any Snatch movement, try to ”keep your knuckles facing front as long as possible” so you can’t get your palm under the weight to press out the lift. Jump, shrug, zip your jacket, and whip the ceiling.

Conditioning with a partner:

30 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)

20 Wall Balls (20/14)

10 Burpee Box Jumps w. step down (24/20)

Rest 2:00

30 Double Unders
20 Push-ups
10 Devils Press – (50/35s)
– Goal: For both pieces, split work in half. This should allow you to sustain your output for the duration.

L3: (40/25)
L2: (30/15)
L1: (20/10) (14/10) (Box Step-ups) (Single Unders) (Box Push-ups)

Extra Credit 1) KB Curls

3 x 8-10. Rest 60s.

KB Curls

Extra Credit 2) Resisted Nasal Breathing

15 breaths.

Resisted Nasal Breathing

WOD PostJosh EarleywineWOD