WOD: Friday 210205

Man performing KB swing

Whiteboard Brief

– Strength: All strength work today, Hang Squat Cleans, Banded Sumo Deadlifts, Front Rack Lateral Lunges and 1 1/4 Banded Hip Thrusts. Today is a good day to not worry about the clock and just work. Make sure to keep pulling all the way until the bar touches your shoulders on the Hang Squat Clean, don’t just pull up and let it crash on top of you.

A) Hang Squat Clean

6 sets of 2-3 reps, adding weight to each set if form permits. Perform each set on a 90-sec clock.

B) Sumo Deadlift against a band

10-8-6-4-2+. Rest 2:00
– Goal: Heavy 2+ (AMRAP) set – goal of this is to perform 2-5 reps with a heavy load. – L1: 6 x 4 at the same weight, focusing on technique.

C) Double KB Front Rack Lateral Lunges

3 x 8-10 each. Rest 90s.
– L1: Double KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges OR Unweighted Lateral Lunges

Double KB Front Rack Lateral Lunges

D) 1 1/4 Banded Glute Hip Thrusts

4 x 12-15. Rest 60s.

1 1/4 Banded Glute Hip Thrusts

WOD PostJosh EarleywineWOD