WOD: Saturday 241019

Have a great weekend! Yay wallballs!

• Coaching Notes

Not much to say about this one other than it will be a fun push here in teams of 3 rotating through in a fun cyclical fashion that will force athletes to push hard throughout. The big focus here will be building out a good approach for how to talk athletes through this workout and develop a plan of attack that works for each team of athletes in a clear effective manner. The though is that athletes will split the bike in 500s before moving to the floor with one athlete lying down, while one athlete is completing burpees over them, and one athlete holding a plank position. This should be both challenging and very fun to work through. We will then move into a rotation through the Wall Balls with one partner doing Wall Balls, while one partner holds a Wall Sit, and the other partner resting. This cycle will be rotated through for the entire duration of the 24:00 AMRAP.

metcon: “Consider that a divorce!”

Complete as many rounds as possible in 24 mins of:

Bike, 1500 m

30 Burpee Over Partners

60 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft


5 rounds for quality of:

5 L/5 R Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load

Handstand Hold, 35 secs

WOD Postalex burgyWOD