WOD: Monday 241021

Best way to start the week is to squat.

• Coaching Notes

Today, we have a fun leg stamina day. Some will notice the 3 sets and think that things are getting easier and lighter here. Others will note the percentages and the volume with Back Squats increasing and think this looks intimidating. The later group is correct. Focus on speed, form and mechanics out of the hole and each one of these squat sets, cueing the drive and acceleration here. We should give athletes adequate time to warm-up and get ready for these as it is only 9:00 minutes of working sets here and the transition into the workout is very simple with less to go through than you would normally think, with the primary objective of tackling mechanics and pacing through the Box Step-Ups.


Front Squat 3-3-3, using heaviest weight per set

Back Squat 3-4-5, using heaviest weight per set

Complete as:

Every 3:00 x 3 Sets

3 Front Squats @ 90% of 3RM

Rest 30 seconds

3-4-5 Back Squats @ Same Load

metcon: "Heimdallr"

3 rounds, each round for time, of:

24/18 Row Calories

12 Dumbbell Box Step-ups, 50/35 lbs, 20 in

6 Shuttle Runs, 50 ft

Go every 4 mins.


Every 1 min for 12 mins, alternating between:

Russian Twist + Throw, pick load, L 25 secs/R 25 secs

5 L/5 R Hip Airplanes

6 Rotational Broad Jumps

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