WOD: Saturday 241102
Have a great weekend!
• Coaching Notes
We are getting into a fun partner workout today with a combination of Rowing, Devils Press and Shuttle Runs. The focus here for the workout will be teaching the Alternating Single Arm Devils Press and getting that dialed in as we move through the workout. The big takeaway and coaching point will be to focus on leading with the chest to floor as to not create excessive extension. The workout will be a long one today with the 26:00 AMRAP, but due to the fact that this is a partner workout that creates a 1:1 work to rest ratio athletes should be able to maintain their pace and ability throughout the workout.
metcon: "Scorpion Vs. Sub-Zero"
As many reps as possible in 26 mins of:
Row, 2000 m
-- then --
2 Alternating Single Arm Devil Press, 50/35 lbs
6 Shuttle Runs, 50 ft
4 Alternating Single Arm Devil Press, 50/35 lbs
6 Shuttle Runs, 50 ft
6 Alternating Single Arm Devil Press, 50/35 lbs
6 Shuttle Runs, 50 ft ...
Continue adding 2 Alternating Single Arm Devil Press reps each round until time expires.
4 rounds for max hold of:
15 Weighted Hip Extensions, pick load
Sorenson Hold, 45 secs
Max hold Weighted Wall Sits, 53/35 lbs