WOD: Monday 241104
Best way to start a deload week is with Back Squats.
• Coaching Notes
Today, we are tackling some Back Squats to start off the day with the focus on speed and dynamic stability out of the hole. Working for 2 reps @ 75% on each set should feel relatively easy, but still provide enough of a stimulus to get the muscles and central nervous system primed as we lead into our testing phase. We don't want our body to forget what some loads feel like as we get into a 3RM next week. We will then be moving into a fun and challenging EMOM that is meant to provide some challenge here, but still limit overall volume of movements on the body to provide a little targeted deload here. Again, for a deload we don't necessarily need to drop full intensity, but we can make some minor adjustments to allow for the body to recover by limiting the volume and keeping each workout at a level that is just under what we would normally hit.
Every 1:30 for 9 mins.
2 Back Squats, 75% 1RM
metcon: "The Dodo Way of Life"
For time:
Every 1 min, alternating between:
16/13 Row Calories
8 Burpee Pull-ups max reps
Thrusters, 95/65 lbs Rest 1 min ...
Repeat until you reach 50 Thruster reps.
4 rounds for quality of:
5 L/5 R Banded Skater Jumps
5 L/5 R Med Ball Rotational Throws, pick load
8 L/8 R Bird Dog Rows, pick load