WOD: Thursday 210325

Todd is one of our regulars at our master’s class and has been with Sanctify for 5+ years. Really appreciate your commitment, sir!

Todd is one of our regulars at our master’s class and has been with Sanctify for 5+ years. Really appreciate your commitment, sir!


- Strength: Using our 1RM from last week, we'll be doing some dynamic effort work in the split Jerk. Make sure to watch for common mistakes during the dip: lifting the heels, dropping the elbows, and dropping so fast that the bar separates from your shoulders. Try to dip with control, so you have maximum speed when you switch directions and drive the bar up.
- Metcon: Our conditioning work today is 1:1 work to rest EMOM of Sumo High Pulls, Hang Power Snatches, Push-ups, and Kettlebell Swings. Make sure the weight is light enough to go unbroken with. On the Power Snatch, try to keep your knuckles facing forward as long as possible and make this an explosive hip drive, not a press.


5 x 2 @70% of 1RM from last week, every 90s.
- L1: 5 x 5 Push Jerk (matching last week's weight)


Min 1: 30s max reps SDHP (75/55)
Min 2: 30s max reps Hang Power Snatch (same)
Min 3: 30s max reps Hand Release Push-ups
Min 4: 30s max reps Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
- Goal: Everything should be light and able to be performed for 30s without stopping. Score = total reps.

Rx+: (95/65) (70/53)
L2: (65/45) (35/20)
L1: (SDHP with KB 35/20) (alt DB Snatch 25/15) (Box Push-ups) (Russian Swings 35/30)


4 x 15-20. Rest 60s.