WOD: Thursday 210415

I know you’ve dealt with some back issues, Margot, but it’s great to see you sticking with this and continuing to move. Well done!

I know you’ve dealt with some back issues, Margot, but it’s great to see you sticking with this and continuing to move. Well done!


- Strength: This week's goal in the Sumo Deadlift is to match last week's heavy set of three with a fourth rep. Pull the shoulders away from the ears to engage your lats and keep the back tight. Make sure the feet are screwed into the ground, arches elevated so the knee tracks with the foot and we get maximum glute engagement. These are NOT touch-n-go, you should be resetting your tension with each rep.
- Metcon: Classic CF descending couplet of Front Squats and C2B Pull-ups. This should hurt. Do your best to maintain posture on the Front Squats, as this will help you breathe and make the workout hurt a little less. Elbows up and out, firm pressure through the heels to keep the chest up.


5 x 4. Rest 2:00
- match last week’s weight
- reset on each rep


Front Squats (135/95)
C2B Pull-ups
- Goal: Sub 10:00. Effort should be very challenging

Rx+: (155/105) (9-7-5 Ring Muscle-ups for C2B)
L3: (115/75)
L2: (95/65)
L1: (75/55)


2 x 50 each. Rest 60s.