WOD: Thursday 210610

Who remembers these bad boys from the Open? What’s the chance of ever seeing them again in the Open or even at the Games? The Bobby has had wallwalks down for several years and showed them who’s boss.

Who remembers these bad boys from the Open? What’s the chance of ever seeing them again in the Open or even at the Games? The Bobby has had wallwalks down for several years and showed them who’s boss.

A) Whiteboard Brief/ Coaches' Notes (0:00-3:00)

- Strength: Today we are super setting a DB Neutral Grip Floor press and Wide Grip Pull-up. Take your time with both movements focusing on quality reps. As always we have plenty of scaling options for the Pull-ups.
- Metcon: This triplet of Hang Power Cleans, a Run and Toes 2 Bar should be a challenging but sustainable effort. Your goal should be unbroken sets if you're comfortable with both movements. Keep your shoulders packed on the T2B to protect the shoulder joint, and make sure the movement is scaled appropriately. It will be more beneficial for you to do Straight Leg raises to develop Lat Strength, rhythm and technique, rather than flailing sets of 1-2 reps at full ROM.

A1) DB Floor Press - neutral grip

2/4 x 8. Rest 45s.
- Two warm-up sets, 4 working sets same weight.

A2) Wide Grip Pull-up

0/4 x 5. Rest 45s.
- Rx+: 2s Hold, 3s down
- L2: Wide Grip Pull-up Negatives
- L1: Assisted Ring Pull-ups

T2B Drills


9 Hang Power Cleans - 135/95
200 Meter Run
9 T2B
200 Meter Run
- Goal: Sustainable effort. Going UB on all rounds should be a goal for people that are comfortable with both movements.

Rx+: (155/105) (200 Meter Ski)
L3: (115/75)
L2: (95/65) (Hanging Straight Leg Raises, Knee Raises or T2B with limited ROM)
L1: (75/55 or DBs 30/20) (Weighted V-ups)

Low Angle Banded Facepull

0/3 x 15. Rest 60s.

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