WOD: Thursday 220203
Tummies to the wall, here are some wall walks for you all.
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
-Wall Walks: Nose and toes to the wall, not the belly. Keep midline tight and work to get to a hollow body position as we walk to the wall.
-GHD Sit-ups: Look to initiate the sit-up through the hamstrings, not the hip flexors.
-Turkish Get-ups: Lots to go through here today, but focus on hitting each position and keeping the arms strong and locked out.
• Gymnastics
Handstand Walk Practice, 15 mins
-The focus here is to give athletes time to practice and play with handstand walk variations and progressions. Spend 15 mins of total time going through the progressions and giving athletes time to practice.
• Scaling Considerations
-Wall Walks: Box pike walks.
-Double Unders: Go to 100 single unders today to keep a similar time domain, but as we scale the workout, scale down the reps as well to keep similar time domains for all and not have us get in too much volume on the jump rope.
-GHD Sit-ups: Weighted sit-ups, v-ups, alternating v-ups, or tuck-ups.
-Turkish Get-ups: Reduce the weight or modify to the shoe Turkish get-up. We could also do a tall kneeling to stand single arm overhead lunge and this will work to strengthen the midline as well as overhead stability.
"Marcus Aurelius"
AMRAP 20 mins:
Run, 400 m (500m row/1,000m Bike)
5 Wall Walks
60 Double Unders
20 GHD Sit-ups
2 L/2 R Turkish Get-ups, 53/35 lbs
Goal: 3 rounds
3 rounds for quality of:
20 Weighted Russian Twists, pick load
Side Plank, L 30 secs/R 30 secs
4 Dragon Flags