WOD: Wednesday 220202

Steve, your consistency to the 6:15am class has been paying off. Every time I see you in class you continue to make improvements on difficult movements. Keep it up!

• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues

-Push Press: Focus on the dip and drive. Vertical torso and finishing strong over midline with locked out arms and elbows.

-Deadlifts: Bar close and look for the shoulders and hips to rise off the ground at the same rate to the knee to ensure a safe pulling motion from the floor.

-Handstand Push-ups: We want to see control from the press to extension to the head to the floor. Bouncing off the head is what we want to avoid and if we can’t control descent to the floor, we need to modify it to a box handstand push-up.

-Power Cleans: Chest up and eyes forward. Keep the bar close and work to hang on the bar all the way into the hip before jumping through the bar.


• Scaling Considerations

-Power Clean & Push Press: The biggest consideration here would be to think about pulling from the floor. We can move athletes to the rack and go to push press or strict press and keep the rep scheme the same.

-Deadlifts: The first scaling modification would be to move to a sumo deadlift, then a hex bar deadlift, then finally moving the bar off the floor and going to either deadlifts from blocks or Romanian deadlifts.

Weightlifting Complex: Power Cleans and Push Press :

1x [ 1 Power Clean + 7 Push Press ]

1x [ 1 Power Clean + 7 Push Press ]

1x [ 1 Power Clean + 5 Push Press ]

1x [ 1 Power Clean + 5 Push Press ]

1x [ 1 Power Clean + 3 Push Press ]

1x [ 1 Power Clean + 3 Push Press ]

Start at 65% 1RM push press and increase.


For 2 cycles: AMRAP in 6 mins of:

15 Deadlifts, 205/145 lbs

10 Handstand Push-ups

5 Power Cleans, 205/145 lbs

30 Air Squats

Rest 3 mins between each cycle.

For each cycle restart the AMRAP.

Goal: 2+ rounds per 6 min cycle.


For quality, 4 rounds of:

12 Dumbbell Bench Press, pick load

10 Dumbbell Pull Overs, pick load

-- then --

4 rounds of:

10 L/10 R Single Leg Hip Extensions

10 L/10 R Staggered Stance Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts, pick load

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