WOD: Thursday 220210
I bet you thought you were done with all this rowing huh Jesc?
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
-Row: Straight chain path and stay connected through the stroke. Legs, body, then arms!
-Run: Keep eyes look out in front of you and work to keep pelvis neutral with no anterior pelvic tilt. Quick cadence and work to focus on pulling off the floor rather than pushing through the ground.
• Scaling Considerations
-Machine Subs:
Bike (in place of run)
40/30 Echo Bike Calories 40/30 = Run, 500 m
80/60 Ech0 Bike Calories = Run, 1000 m
-Row Machine Subs:
Ski Erg or Bike Erg (equivalent)
For time:
Run, 500 m
100/80 Row Calories
Run, 500 m
50/40 Row Calories
Run, 1000 m
50/40 Row Calories
Run, 500 m
100/80 Row Calories
Run, 500 m
Goal: 9-12 mins per part
5 Sets:
:30sec Max Renegade Rows
:15/:15 Copenhagen Plank
:15/:15 Star Plank