WOD: Wednesday 220209
Congrats to Patricia “The Veggie Patty” on getting her first ring muscle up!
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
-Toes-to-bars: Quality arch to hollow position and maintaining an active shoulder position in the kip.
-Dumbbell Step Overs: Focus on staying close to the box and chest upright as we walk over the box to ensure a quality midline position.
• Scaling Considerations
-Bike Substitution:
35/28 Row Calories or Ski Erg Calories
Run, 400 m
-Toes-to-bars: Alternating toes-to-bars, knees-to-elbows, strict knee raises, v-ups.
-Burpee Box Jump Overs: Burpee step-ups, or adjust to just box jumps or step-ups if the burpee is the issue.
-Push-ups: Band assisted push-ups or elevated push-up to barbell in rack or box.
-Dumbbell Step Overs: Lighten the load, go to a single dumbbell or just nix the weight all together and lower the box height.
-GHD Sit-ups: Weighted sit-ups or AbMat sit-ups.
-Burpees: Scale to squat jumps and add reps if burpees tend to exacerbate any back issues.
Weightlifting: 3RM Hang Power Clean:
Take 12 mins to establish a 3RM.
“Bay Harbor Butcher”
For time:
30/22 Bike Calories
30 Toes-to-bars
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
30/22 Dumbbell Deficit Push-ups
30 Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 50/35 lbs, 24/20 in 30
GHD Sit-ups 30 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbells
Time domain: 12-16 mins
Time cap: 18 mins
3 rounds for quality of:
10 L/10 R Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load
Handstand Hold, 30 secs
6 Dragon Flags