WOD: Thursday 230803

Have you enjoyed the Games so far? What has been your favorite event?

• Coaching Notes

We are getting after a re-test from a couple months ago here with the classic mixed mono couplet “Jerry”. We should spend some time today working on rowing and running mechanics to start the day prior to letting them blast off here. If you did this in the gym a couple months ago we want you to take a different strategy on this one and see if it pays off. The workout will be spent mostly on the run, so pushing the pace here makes sense, but if you came out hot and died in the second half, maybe today is the day to pace things out and have you feeling smooth on the rower in order to set yourself up for a final kick. This workout should allow time for some added accessories today, but if not spend the extra time on the PRVN Yoga Flow.

Rowing Technique primer:

2 Rounds through

:30sec Arms Only Rowing (the pick drill)

:30sec Arms and Body Rowing, (body hinge and finish with arms)

:30sec Legs and Body Rowing, (leg drive, strong back and lat engagement)

:30sec Half Stroke Strong Finish, (pushing with legs and finish through body)

1:00 Full Stroke (put it all together, legs then body then arms on drive, on recovery arms then body, then legs)

metcon: "jerry"

For Time

1 mile Run

2,000 meter Row

1 mile Run

Time Domain: 20:00-30:00

Time Cap: 30:00 minutes


3 Sets, For Quality

50/50ft (15m/15m) Single Arm Kettlebell Front Rack Carry

100/100ft (30/30m Lateral Sled Drag

150/150ft (30m/30m) Uneven Loaded Farmers Carry

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