WOD: Wednesday 230802

Hope you’re a fan of pull ups and burpees.

• Coaching Notes:

We are starting off the day with some good functional bodybuilding work with a good strength circuit EMOM with the goal of hitting quality positions and locking in the core while moving through some shoulder specific strength movements. Each movement should take about 30 seconds to complete, allowing us enough time to transition to the next station. Spend some time talking through quality tempo and positions as you set-up for this piece. We will then move into the workout “G.I. Jane”. This workout is an old classic and as simple as it is, it packs a punch. The goal today is to maintain 8+ Burpee Pull-Ups a minute and just stay moving steady the entire time. Competitors or those looking for an added challenge should put on a weight vest to tackle this one as long as they can get it done within the time cap.

strength EMOM:

12 minute EMOM, Alternate each minute:

minute 1: 10 Dual Kettlebell Hollow Body Floor Press

minute 2: 10 Seated Banded Rows 30x1 Tempo

minute 3: 10 GHD Russian Twists

metcon: "G.i. jane"

For Time:

100 Burpee Pull-Ups

Time Domain: 8:00-13:00 minutes

Time Cap: 18:00 minutes


3 Sets, For Quality

10 Strict Knee to Elbows

20 Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curls

:30 second Hollow Body Hold

WOD Postalex burgyWOD