WOD: Thursday 240328
You got a license to carry those guns Megan?
• Coaching Notes
We are tackling our Back Squat progression today and working into the heavy triples, doubles, and singles. The goal here is to find technically heavy weights that allow for a challenge without compromising mechanics. The focus will be to build to a heavy single within the range of 90-95%. As always if you have an athlete feeling it today, you can let them ride the wave and go for a true max. After the Back Squats we will transition into a very simple, yet potent workout with Wall Balls and Push-Ups. The combo is something to be reckoned with and you will leave with a major pump.
Complete sets every 3 mins.
Back Squat 3-3-2-2-1
3 Reps @ 80-85% 1 RM
3 Reps @ 80-85% 1RM
2 Reps @ 85%+ 1 RM
2 Reps @ 85%+ 1 RM
1 Rep @ 90%+ 1 RM
metcon: "Reacher"
As many reps as possible in 7 mins of:
5 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft
5 Push-ups
10 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft
10 Push-ups
15 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft
15 Push-ups ...
Continue adding 5 reps each round to each movement until time expires.
5 rounds for quality of:
6 L/6 R Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load
8 Tempo Bar Dips
Seal Walk, 10 m
Backward Seal Walk, 10 m