WOD: Wednesday 240327

• Coaching Notes

We are getting after a nice little endurance challenge with a total of 1.5 miles of running while getting in 90 Toe to Bar and 15 Rope Climbs. Tackle this one like a chipper today, where we break things up early and often with minimal rest periods to allow for consistency across all 3 rounds here. For the Toe to Bar we are ideally looking to complete those in sub 2:30 each round with the high end goal of finishing each set in 90 seconds. Each run should be held to around 5k + 15 sec/mile or + 7sec/k, which will allow the heart rate to stabilize while keeping at a fast clip. For the Rope Climbs, we understand that athletes may have to share some ropes, so the ideal scenario would be to alternate rope climbs if someone else gets to the rope at the same time. Another way to tackle this one would be to have one group start on the first run, one group start on the Toe to Bar, one group start on the second run and one group start on the Rope Climbs. This way everyone starts in a stagger and they still get the total volume done within the time frame allowing for less of a bottleneck at the ropes. The ideal scale today would be to go to a supine grip bent over row or single arm ring rows for athletes to still tackle a pulling motion that is different to one they did on Monday. Alternatively if you have the availability of a Rope Sled Pull, lets sub that in today as a wonderful alternative with the goal to scale it to something that allows each set to be done in under 90 seconds. Have fun with this one and get athletes to learn their first rope climb or link toes to bar for the first time!

metcon: "Denali"

For time:

Run, 400 m

30 Toes-to-bars

Run, 400 m

6 Rope Climbs

Run, 400 m

30 Toes-to-bars

Run, 400 m

5 Rope Climbs

Run, 400 m

30 Toes-to-bars

Run, 400 m

4 Rope Climbs

Time Domain: 18:00-25:00

Time Cap: 27:00 minutes


Every 1 min for 12 mins, alternating between:

16 Alternating Kettlebell Gorilla Rows, pick load 10 L/10 R

Weighted Single Leg Calf Raises, pick load

10 Bent Over Reverse Flies, pick load

10 Reverse Nordic Curls

WOD Postalex burgyWOD