WOD: Thursday 240627
Don’t get it twisted, Shannon is a sweetheart and is just super focused on rowing.
• Coaching Notes
We are starting off a progression with longer EMOMs here with an EMOM that has our athletes working for the entire 30 minutes, with of course little rest between movements in order to keep this flowy and allow the athletes to keep moving. The goal is not to complete each minute as fast as possible, but rather move as smooth as possible in order to keep the heart rate from spiking and teach athletes how to keep calm and cool in the middle of mixed modal workouts with more density. This is pure volume accumulation, midline stability, and muscular endurance work today. Plan to spend a good time warming up the Turkish Get-Up and talking through picking up and holding the Sandbag. For gyms that do not have a sandbag available, we can do a Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold and that will also require some movement prep and technique there as well. Luckily we have placed a little bit of this is the warm-up as prep for the Sandbag Cleans.
metcon: "All That"
Every 1 min for 30 mins, alternating between:
3 Wall Walks
14/11 Row Calories
1 L/1 R Turkish Get-ups, 53/35 lbs
5 Shuttle Runs, 50 ft, 1 min
Max hold Sandbag Bear Hug Holds, 150/100 lbs
5 rounds for quality of:
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
10 Ring Rows