WOD: Thursday 240725
Let freedom swing!
• Coaching Notes
The focus today will be working our way into some Handstand Walk skills and drills and then moving into a stamina / skill session that allows athletes some focused skill work to get better at the skill of the Handstand Walk. This will prime us and get athletes ready to move into the workout. A note that the conditioning workout has Wall Walks in it so the modifications for the Handstand Walks today should be Wall Facing Shoulder Taps or Wall Supported Handstand Holds.
Moving into the workout we are looking at a fun triplet that will have us hitting a quick segment on the Rower before tackling High Box Jumps before moving to the Wall for a Wall Walk complex. The general idea here is that we do one Wall Walk then 2 Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups then one Wall Walk + another 2 Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups. This workout should allow for steady movement and a challenge for our muscular stamina.
gymnastics: handstand walks
For Distance
5 Sets
:30 second Max Distance
1:30 Rest
metcon: "Enchiridion"
12:00 AMRAP
10 American Kettlebell Swings
8 Box Jumps
2 Wall Walk 'Complex'
*You will perform 2 strict handstand push ups at the top of each wall walk.
Kettlebell: 53/35lb, 24/16kg
Box: 30/24’’
Score = Rounds + Reps
4 Sets, For Quality
15-20Banded Face Pulls