WOD: Wednesday 240724
Endurance heads eat your heart out. Two cardio days in two days.
• Coaching Notes
Today is all about aerobic capacity work, more specifically lactate threshold work with the focus on consistent effort across all sets and a challenging pace that is sustainable to repeat for all 3 sets. The primary objective will be on the run and tackling that at around 5k pace before hitting the machine work at a pace that allows you to complete each segment in the range of 7:00-9:00. Our warm-up is meant for priming and prepping the system for the effort required during the workout.
Thoughts on adjustments for class management would be to start athletes on different machines and/or start athletes on a 6:00 delay in order to allow for the machines to be used by multiple athletes during each 12:00 segment. This allows for more seamless running of the class and only adds 6:00 minutes to the total workout timing. If this is needed make sure to adjust the daily timeline and make the warm-up a little more streamline prior to jumping into the workout.
metcon: "Memento mori"
Every 12:00 minutes, 3 sets, Complete the following:
1000m Run
Set 1: 60/48 Cal Row
Set 2: 50/40 Cal Ski Erg
Set 3: 40/28 Cal Echo Bike
*Subs for Ski Erg
60/48 Bike Erg
200 Double Unders
100Resistance Band Ski Erg Strokes
For Quality
4 Sets,
:16/:16 Copenhagen Plank
:16/:16 Side Star Plank