WOD: Thursday 240808
Time to get gymnasty!
• Coaching Notes
We are tackling a day that is meant to slow down the pace and have athletes working on structured and controlled gymnastics strength work. We have leveled up the intensity this week and hit some good benchmark tests, so today is about refining positions and getting athletes to focus on some targeted work that doesn't push them into the intensity zone today. Our focus as coaches today is to help them dial in positional work and find scaling mods that allow for consistency across here today.
Metcon: "Virtuoso"
5 rounds, each round for time, of:
2x [ 1 Wall Walk + Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold, 15 secs ]
8 Strict Toes-to-bars Tuck L-Hang, 15 secs
8x [ 1 Push-up + 1 Shoot Through + 1 Dip + 1 Shoot Through ]
Go every 5 mins.
As many reps as possible in 8 mins of:
2 Hollow Rocks
2 V-ups 2 Tuck-ups
2 Hollow Holds
4 Hollow Rocks
4 V-ups
4 Tuck-ups
4 Hollow Holds
6 Hollow Rocks
6 V-ups
6 Tuck-ups
6 Hollow Holds ...
Continue adding 2 reps each round to each movement until time expires.