WOD: Friday 240809

Now let me see your Squat face!

• Coaching Notes

We are now hitting our main strength test of the Achilles cycle with our 1RM Front Squat. The ideal loading scheme today would be to hit 5 reps light, then 3 moderate, 2 heavier , then quick heavy singles across. This will lead us into the workout "17.5" which is a previous Open workout that really challenged athletes' cycling ability on Thrusters as well as consistency on Double Unders. This workout is thrown in as it was a workout that was performed at the Games, just heavier with the idea that the Games athletes were going even faster than the gen pop even with heavier loads. The focus as coaches will be to dial in loads that allow for unbroken quick sets and the ability to pull down the barbell and press fast back up into the next rep, while maintaining consistency on transitions and double unders.

strength: front squat 1rm

Take 15:00 to Establish Front Squat 1RM

Ideal build:

5 Reps @ 50-60%

3 reps @ 65-70%

2 Reps @ 75%

1 Rep @ 80%

Continue to build until 1RM

metcon: 17.5 - CrossFit Games Open

10 rounds for time of:

9 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs

35 Double Unders

Time cap: 40 mins


3 rounds for quality of:

10 Deficit Kettlebell Deadlifts, pick load

10 Goblet Cossack Squats, pick load

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