WOD: Thursday 240822

• Coaching Notes

This is a strength day. That is the focus and that is where we are putting our efforts. We are doing a similar style to what we have done in the past with some contrast method style of strength today where we are utilizing a plyometric movement after an absolute strength movement. Again the focus is to create better nueral drive and recruit more motor units. The goal is to start at around 75% of 1RM and increase to 85%. We will be alternating stations between the Deadlift and the Bench Press. Each movement is coupled with a plyometric movement that targets similar muscle groups in an effort to increase the speed at which our muscles fire, which in turn yields greater strength benefits. By alternating stations and having a focused day purely on strength, we should be able to really manage and teach the lifts today.

metcon: "Echoed in Eternity"

Every 2 min for 24 mins, alternating between:

3 Deadlifts, pick load + 3 Banded Broad Jumps

3 Bench Press, pick load + 5 Med Ball Chest Pass To Floors, pick load


5 rounds for quality of:

6 L/6 R Goblet Lateral Box Step-ups, pick load, pick height

10 Ring Push-ups

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