WOD: Wednesday 240821

• Coaching Notes

Today is all about aerobic capacity and muscular stamina. Setting up this workout will come down to a quick and efficient warm-up and then into a workout primer that has athletes practice quick efficient transitions. Please talk through different styles of burpee box jump overs and movement mechanics for the Toe to Bar. We are looking for athletes to start on 40-50 second delays to have the athletes be able to share the bike. The best way to set-up athletes would be to have athletes share a bike, but not a box as that is a big area that we could see athletes get bottlenecked. Another way to tackle this would be to have athletes alternate between Bike and Ski if you have that available and / or have athletes hit burpee box jump overs and line facing burpees if boxes will be an issue.

metcon: "Now We Are Free"

For 6 cycles: AMRAP in 4 mins of:

12/10 Bike Calories

3 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in

9 Toes-to-bars

3 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in

Rest 2 mins between each cycle.

For each cycle restart the AMRAP.


4 rounds for max hold of:

10 Weighted Russian Twists, pick load

5 L/5 R Single Arm Turkish Sit-ups, pick load

1 Wall Walk max hold Wall Facing Handstand Hold

WOD Postalex burgyWOD