WOD: Thursday 240919

• Coaching Notes

We are tackling a quad stamina workout today with the emphasis on pushing the Row and the Wall Balls. For the Double Unders we are hoping athletes can use them as a chance to breathe today. With 2 sets through this sequence we are leaning into pacing being the strategy and the emphasis today. Ideally we keep each set to within 1:00 minute of each other. Either being the first or last set as the fastest. The ideal scenario would be to pace this out to allow for about 30 seconds faster on set 2.

For coaching purposes, going over rowing technique and talking through double unders will be the priority, but also just talking through the stimulus and pacing strategy will be essential.

metcon: "Bison's Blast"

For Time:

Every 15:00 x 2 Sets


Calorie Row*

Wall Balls

72-48-24 Double Unders

*Female Row Calories 27/18/9

Wallball: 20/14lb, 9/6kg


For Quality:

12:00 EMOM

Minute 1 - 30 second Goblet Loaded Wall Sit

Minute 2 - 6/6 Kettlebell on Foot Leg Extensions Smooth Tempo, Moderate Load

WOD Postalex burgyWOD