WOD: Wednesday 240918

New movement unlocked: Reverse Muscle Ups.

• Coaching Notes

Here we are getting into progressions for the Bar Muscle-Ups and Legless Rope Climbs. The real emphasis for this one will be on the gymnastics density, fatigue and then class management with how to set this up so athletes can all tackle the rope climbs. Optimal scaling will be to move from a target of 15ft to a 10ft target, then if legless are just not happening for athletes moving to a regular rope climb with their feet. This is meant to be a day for coaching and getting some wins on the board for our athletes.

For the Handstand Push-Up component, kipping is allowed today, but the suggestion is always to go strict until you need to kip. This could be 4 strict + 5 kipping on each set as a good way to tackle the reps. More strict strength is always the way to go. Depending on your classes you have the option to go over an include the accessory work today, which is variable based on how long you needed to go over progressions and scaling modifications.

metcon: "Shoryuken"

For Time:

5 Sets

5 Bar Muscle-Ups

15 Single Dumbbell Step Overs

1 Legless Rope Climb

9 Handstand Push-Ups

Dumbbell: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg

Box: 24/20''

Rope Climb : 15ft Target


For Quality:

6 Rounds (12:00 Clock)

:40 On/:20 Off

Station 1 - Strict Toes to Bar

Station 2 - Supine Chinese Plank Marching

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