WOD: Tuesday 210511

Raise your hand if you’re excited for some Power Cleans & Jerks! Lori sure is.

Raise your hand if you’re excited for some Power Cleans & Jerks! Lori sure is.

Whiteboard Brief

- Strength: Building off of last week's barbell work today, consisting of a Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk, building to heavy set over the course of 5 sets. Common mistakes in the Push Jerk are lifting the heels off the ground while dipping, knees tracking forward instead of at an angle, and leaning back. Also make sure that in the start position we're in a decent front rack, with the knuckles by the chin and elbows forward.
- Metcon: Classic BP Benchmark back in the mix - "Nutshell". Remember that you have 25 Burpee Box Jumps before you even get to the barbell, so pick a weight that you can complete big sets with even when fatigued.

Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk

1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Split Jerk = 1
3/5 x 1. Rest 2:00
*Exceed top weight from last week
- Perform multiple reps (2-3) on your 3 warm-ups sets, then single on your work sets
- L1: 4 Hang Muscle Clean + 4 Shoulder Press (Barbell or DBs)


For time:
25 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
50 S20H (135/95)
25 Burpee Box Jumps
* Last tested 12/22
- Goal: Very hard effort. You should be able to complete the S2O in a MAX of 4 sets.

L3: (115/75)
L2: (95/65) (20/15)
L1: (75/55 or DBs 25/15) (Up downs)

Banded Overhead Triceps

0/4 x 25. Rest 60s.

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