WOD: Wednesday 210512
Looks like we go ourselves a nice little partner workout today. Make sure you bring along your gym buddy. Bonus points if you’re matching.
Whiteboard Brief
- Metcon: Our partner conditioning piece today is a longer AMRAP, so make sure your efforts are sustainable even though there is 1:1 rest. Keep in mind when selecting scales that Penguin Taps are a great way to learn the coordination for Double Unders.
With a partner:
40 Double Unders
30 Calorie Bike
20 Hollow Rocks
40 Wall Balls (20,/14)
- Goal: Sustainable effort with 3+ rounds.
*One person works at a time. This intended to be a longer piece today so the pace should be slower.
L2: (95/65)
L1: (Penguin Taps or 80 Single Unders) (14/10)
Front Rack Sandbag Carry
AMRAP 10 x 90 ft.
- Done with the same partner. One athlete completes a full set with at a time. This can be done with front rack kettlebells too if no access to sandbags.