WOD: Tuesday 210518

It has been a while since we last did some rope climbs. Use today’s gymnastic strength work as a reintroduction to rope climbs and your current ability with them.

It has been a while since we last did some rope climbs. Use today’s gymnastic strength work as a reintroduction to rope climbs and your current ability with them.


- Strength: Switching things up today for the upperbody/core with some Gymnastics strength work. Shoot for quality, don't grind out reps here. In the HSPUs, we want to watch for internal rotation, so make sure you're in the tripod position at the bottom, the forearms are vertical, the head is closer to the wall than the hands, and you can see your fingertips.
- Metcon: Today's AMRAP is a slower but consistent effort of DB Snatch, Push Press and Pull-ups (which ever style you prefer). Take short rests as needed but keep moving. On the DB Snatch watch for early arm bend, and think " jump, zip your jacket, whip the ceiling"


1a) Rope Climb: 4 x 1-2. Rest 45s.
1b) Strict or Kipping HSPU: 4 x 5-10. Rest 45s.
1c) L-Sit Hold: 4 x 10-20s. Rest 45s.
- Goal: This work is for QUALITY meaning no one should be hitting failure or even remotely close to hitting failure.

L2: (Rope Climb) (HSPU Negatives)
L1: (Rope Climb Standing to Ground) (10 each Z-Press)


10 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)
10 SA DB Push Press
10 Pull-ups (any style)
- Goal: Complete this work at moderate, but consistent pace with small bouts of rest.

L3: (40/25)
L2: (30/15) (Assisted Ring Pull-ups or Band Assisted Pull-ups)
L1: (20/10) (Assisted Ring Pull-ups or Band Assisted Pull-ups)


0/3 x 8-10 each. Rest 60s.
- this can be done with rings

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