WOD: Wednesday 210519

25 minutes of work seems way easier than last Wednesday’s 40 minutes of work. Right?

25 minutes of work seems way easier than last Wednesday’s 40 minutes of work. Right?

Whiteboard Brief

- Metcon: Our conditioning work today is a series of 7:00 AMRAPs. Slightly faster paced than a "regular" Wednesday workout but still capable of being sustained for the full duration. Keep your shoulders active on the T2B and break the sets before you have to so you don't hit failure.


0:00 - 7:00
200 Meter Run
10 T2B
20 G2OH with a plate
9:00 - 16:00
200 Meter Run
10 Hollow Rocks
20 Walking BW Lunges
18:00 - 25:00
Crossbody Farmer Carry x 90 ft. sets.
- Goal: Challenging but sustainable pace, you should be able to move continuously for the whole 25 minutes wiuthout stopping.

L2: (Hanging Straight Leg Raises or Knee Raises)
L1: (Weighted V-ups)

KB Curls

0/4 x 8-10. Rest 60s.

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