WOD: Tuesday 210525

I have a goal to find the best workout/lift face. Erin’s is pretty good, and a bit intimidating.

I have a goal to find the best workout/lift face. Erin’s is pretty good, and a bit intimidating.

Whiteboard Brief

- Strength: Building off of last week's work, we're adding a 5 set of each movement. Shoot for quality, don't grind out reps here. In the HSPUs, we want to watch for internal rotation, so make sure you're in the tripod position at the bottom, the forearms are vertical, the head is closer to the wall than the hands, and you can see your fingertips. No "WOD" today, but we'll be supersetting 1-arm Rows done with either TRX or Rings, and some Incline DB Bench Press work, followed by one of our favorite lifts, the Bent Press.

Gymnastics Strength Work

1a) Legless Rope Climb x 1-2. Rest 45s.
1b) Strict or Kipping HSPU x 5-10. Rest 45s.
1c) L-Sit Hold x 10-20s. Rest 45s.
- Goal: This work is for QUALITY meaning no one should be hitting failure or even remotely close to hitting failure. Goal is to complete 5 rounds of this work today.

L2: (Rope Climb) (HSPU Negatives)
L1: (Rope Climb Standing to Ground) (10 each Z-Press)

1a) TRX 1-Arm Rows (40:00-55:00)

0/4 x 8-10 each. Rest 45s.
- this can be done with rings

1b) Incline DB Bench Press - Pronated Grip

0/4 x 8-10. Rest 45s.

1c) Bent Press

0/3 x 6 each. Rest 60s.

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