WOD: Tuesday 210706
Who remembers sled pushes last Friday? Good times. Kreeger, of course making them look easy.
Whiteboard Brief
- Strength: Everyone's favorite day, 1RM Squat day! Plan your jumps strategically and shoot for a 5lb PR. Screw your feet into the floor, and keep the arches of the feet elevated so that we can make sure the glutes are being engaged effectively. Focus on your breathing, on your bracing breath try to expand your abdomen to create as large of a base as possible (unless you have pelvic floor issues, then hold your breath halfway or at the end of the exhale). Let's go!
- Metcon: This workout is deceiving, 10 rounds of heavy Russian Swings and 20 total Bodyweight Lunges. Shoot for 1 round each minute in order to beat the cap. In the KB Swing lean forward and move your hips back, so you're bending the hips more than the knees. Squeeze the glutes and quads as hard as possible and let the KB float up.
Back Squat
1RM in 6-8 sets. Rest 2:30
- goal: 5# PR
- L1: 4 x 6. Three warm-up sets.
10 RFT:
10 Russian KBS - AHAP
20 Walking BW Lunges
- Goal: Hard effort. This looks simple but is NOT easy. Time cap = 10:00
Prone Banded Hamstring Curl
3 x 25. Rest 60s