WOD: Wednesday 210707

Been missing you at 5am Susannah. Hope to see you there with the crew again soon.

Been missing you at 5am Susannah. Hope to see you there with the crew again soon.

Whiteboard Brief

- Metcon: Today's conditioning work is two AMRAPs with a 2:00 break in between. Start of on the slower side and maintain that effort for both pieces with the goal of finishing 3 rounds of each.


30 Double Unders
20 Calorie Row
10 Hollow Rocks

Rest 2:00

30 Double Unders
20 Calorie Bike
10 T2B
- Goal: Sustainable effort. You should be able to move through this consistently for both AMRAPs. Goal for each = 3 rounds.

L2: (Hanging Straight Leg Raises, Knee Raises or T2B with limited ROM)
L1: (Weighted V-ups) (Penguin Taps or Single Unders)

Upper-back Triset

3 x 8-10. Rest 60s.

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