WOD: Tuesday 210928
Welcome to the gym Melissa!
Coaching Notes:
We are hitting Tuesday with 2 more benchmark tests that are great to log as part of your fitness journey. We will be testing ourselves first with our Ring Muscle-Ups and seeing where we are at for our 30 Ring Muscle-Ups for Time.
Then we should rest up a bit, hit a couple short hard 10sec bursts to get the legs firing on the Air Bike, whether this be an echo bike, assault bike, or airdyne. This is a great test to see how much power we can produce over the course of a minute on this very simple, horrible machine. Leave no doubt and nothing left in the tank!
Scaling Mods:
Today, we are keeping the scaling mods very simple for our muscle-up test for the day. We want to see where we are at in terms of muscular stamina for the muscle-up or for pull-ups and dips. We can use this as a very objective measure over time to see if we are getting strong and/or gaining more skill here. 10 Rounds of 5+5 Strict Pull-Ups + Strict Dips is a great test and one that will yield great insight to those athletes still aiming at getting their first ring muscle-up.
Test 1: 30 Ring Muscle-Ups
30 Ring Muscle-Ups
Time Cap = 10:00
Test 2: 1:00 Air Bike Test
Max Calories in 60 Seconds